Stuffato di Agnello e Piselli

 Stuffato di Agnello e Piselli

(Lamb and pea stew)

Ingredients (4 people)
800gr lamb, cubed
400gr peas (frozen if new peas not available)
3 cloves of garlic, whole
1 large onion, chopped
100ml white wine
1 glass of water
1 handful of parsley and mint, chopped
1 tsp white wine vinegar
CAZZETTA Extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper

In a large casserole dish, heat some olive oil and brown the lamb. Add the onion and when this is soft, add the white wine. Let the alcohol evaporate and then add the garlic,  the water, the mint and parsley and the vinegar. Season to taste, cover with a lid and place in the oven at a low temperature. Leave to cook for around an hour and a half, checking occasionally to make sure the ensure it doesn't become dry. If it does, add a little more water. After this time, add the peas, stir well, cover again and place back in the oven for around 15 minutes. Serve with crusty bread or boiled, minted potatoes.

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